Journalists’ Organization and Haaretz-TheMarker Journalists Petition Against Government

A petition to the Supreme Court against the government’s decision to boycott Haaretz and prohibit government ministries from advertising in it: An illegal decision aimed at intimidating Israeli press from criticizing the government, part of a wave of legislation against media • Foreign Ministry employees also oppose the decision: The fact that we’ll stop reading the newspaper won’t make it disappear

The Other Cost of War

The long-standing alliance with Germany, one of Israel’s two most important allies, is in jeopardy amid the never-ending war in Gaza

The Martyred Saint of the New Elite

Sheffi Paz Sought to Become a Symbol of the Fight Against ‘Progressive’ Rule • Channel 14 Provided Her with a Distorted and False Media Campaign All the Way to Neve Tirza

Netanyahu Returned to Power, and Government Advertising on Channel 14 Soars

Exclusive data on advertising volume on the pro-Bibi channel reveals a sharp increase in airtime purchased by Netanyahu’s government after its formation • The most notable increases were recorded in Likud ministers’ offices, including the Prime Minister’s Office • The Ministry of Transportation under Miri Regev saw a 480% surge • Another jump was recorded in the purchasing policy of the Israel Police and Minister Itamar Ben Gvir • The flow of advertising budgets joins a series of laws and regulatory benefits worth tens of millions of shekels to Channel 14

Channel 14: Kamala Harris is a Terrorism Supporter

On Channel 14, which is associated with PM Netanyahu, a caption portraying the Democratic presidential candidate as a “terrorism supporter” was displayed on screen for several minutes • The program is hosted by Yaakov Bardugo, Netanyahu’s political advisor

An anatomy of a fiasco foretold

Minister Shlomo Karhi vs. AP: Baseless accusations seasoned with blatant lies, and a direct continuation of Netanyahu’s policies

The “Al Jazeera law” is a lesson in populism

Although the law is largely a PR stunt addressing an imaginary problem, it sets a dangerous precedent by allowing a minister to directly restrict a TV channel’s broadcast for the first time. Otzma-Yehudit stated: We’ve got a foot in the door

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